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Friday, September 28, 2012

a super sweet feature! ... ♥

i am so honored to be featured on 

i ooogled over the pages of their publications for many a years 
while my craft space only existed somewhere in my head :)
thank you WWC!

{ if you're stopping over from Where Women Create ... welcome ♥
click on the picture to see the rest of my craft space! }

be back soon with a few fall projects i'm working on!
with gladness in my ♥ !

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

wrappin up Wednesday no.2 ... ♥

it's Wednesday! let's do some shoppin' !!
everything in the store is 20% off
use the code WRAPPINUP20
ok, so i know i had high hopes of getting some Christmas stock in the store last week...
but as you can see, it's not in the store :(
but i'm working on it! and boy is it gonna be worth it 'cause some of this stuff is ca.ute. :):)
i'm really excited about the little kits of goodies... color coordinated wrapping supplies
and Christmas stuff! don't worry i'm working on 'em!
(you should see my craft room)
(as a matter a fact... here ya go)

(see ... i'm normal)
(shhhh ... don't tell anyone)

i promise to have the new listings up soon!
Happy Wrappin' !!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

burlap & book pages trim ... ♥

sometimes it's the simple things that just make me happy :)
like this little spool of trim ... know what i mean? 
come on, let's make stuff :)

sound of music should be playing in your head right now :) 
i just love gathering a pretty little dish full of goodies
then seeing where the creative in me decides to go 

~ cut & fold ~

~ sew ~

~ trim ♥ ~ 

during my garage sale outings this summer i found this old flour sifter ...

a little spray paint, some trim we just made, and some other pretty things :)
now it holds my sharpies

what else could you put in a made-over flour sifter? 

much loves to you!
sweet parties here ... ♥

whatever you want Wednesday ♥ Free Pretty Things for You
a crafty soiree ♥ Yesterday on Tuesday
Saturday Night Special ♥ Funky Junk Interiors

Friday, September 21, 2012

monogram stationery gift ... ♥

happy Friday ♥
i'm hangin' out with Kim over at Everything Etsy today ...
making a very fun project that would fit nicely on your holiday gift giving list
(that i know you're workin' on as we speak :):)
head on over and say hello!

gladness in my ♥

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

wrappin' up Wedneday ... yay! ♥

i know Christmas is still 3 months away
and we all know in crafting lingo, that's like, 3 hours
so get your craft on girls!
i know i'm already on the bandwagon which is very uncharacteristic of me :)
(my motto is usually "i work best under pressure - thank you")


so to help you wrap your pretty crafty gifty things
every Wednesday from now through December 12th!

here's a sneak peak at a few new things that will be listed throughout this week ...

Christmas wrapping kits!
tags ♥ fabric tape ♥ vintage trims
all rolled into one cute little bundle

Crocheted bow appliques!
for gift wrap ~ hair accessories

tags for your handmade Christmas gifts! 
or a gift to a friend who likes to make things by hand 

i'm so excited already!!

loves to you all! happy shopping!
linking up to ...

Whatever you Want Wednesday ♥ Free Pretty Things for You

Monday, September 17, 2012

diy laundry soap ... ♥

making your own laundry detergent is all over blog land
but i thought i'd share a few pretty pictures, to make it seem like it's soooo fun to make :)
(it actually kinda is ... heehee)
the ingredients are the same as most, just the ratio is what i changed 
after researching whether or not it was ok to use on a front loading machine, and it is!
i've been using it for almost a year
sayonara store bought 14 million dollars a box laundry detergent

this is the way i make it :)

chop up the soap in small chunks ... it's easier on your processor that way :)
(i use this processor only for making detergent
it's a small kitchen aid that i had before i upgraded to a larger one)

then mix the borax & washing soda into a large bowl or container
my pretty glass container (from Target) holds a 6 batches ...
so 6 cups of each of the 3 ingredients 
(18 cups total)
(i'm bad at math)

process 1 cup of the chopped soap at a time
i scoop a bit of the powder mixture in with the soap
the dry ingredients help grind the soap, which is thick & dense
and it produces much finer soap flakes :)
(i sound smart don't i)

once you're done pour into the pretty glass container
hard work doesn't seem hard at all when it's in a cute glass jar
and with a cute scoop to boot

i usually have extra ingredients
i just store them in a big metal bucket for next time
everything all in one place makes it easier to pull out when i need to make more
(we may or may not have gone 5 days without washing clothes 
since someone's butt was not in laundry making soap gear)
(cough cough)

 labels make me happy :)

the day i made the laundry soap, i tried a recipe for fabric softener too!
... i've been using it for a week, it's working great
i noticed my towels seemed soft & thick
(yes... thick... but that part is just my imagination since i made my own fabric softener
my towels surely must be thicker ... right?)
(my girlfriend made me those cute dish scrubbies ... they make me happy too :)

i have a few fun things planned these next few weeks
and since i have Christmas on the brain ...

every Wednesday beween now and December 12th,
all pretty gift wrapping items will run 20% off
in the store! let's make stuff & wrap it!
so start thinking bundles & packages with me 
and stock up on tags, tape and embellishments for your Christmas gifts
come back and take a peek Wednesday for the scoop!
 i hope to have a bunch of new tags and gift wrapping kits in the store throughout this week

much love to you all & with gladness in my ♥
psalm . four . seven 

sweet parties here ... ♥
Tip me Tuesday ♥ Tip Junkie
live laugh linky Thursday ♥ live laugh rowe

Friday, September 14, 2012

a sweet giveaway ... ♥

i'm hosting the linky party 
at the Vintage Sheet Blog this weekend!

The Vintage Sheet Blog

i've been a long time reader of Heather's blog
there's tons of inspiration to find there if you have an obsession with vintage sheets (like they're taking over the house kind of obsession) a love for vintage linens like i do :):)

i mean just look at her blog header! it just makes you want to get your craft on!
right?? come on... it so does...

and her blog is committed to Dress a Girl Around the World
a ministry my girls & i are excited to be involved with!
we are planning a dress making party in October 
that i would love to share with you ♥
and maybe you would like to hop on board and sew along with us? 
(more details to follow :)

so pop over there and take a peek around 
...and you'll have a chance to win this...

{for the love of teal} box of goodness ... 
including a set of typewriter tags just listed in the shop!
yum.yum.yummy cuteness.

with gladness in my heart ♥

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

just a note to say hello ... ♥

i love tags ♥
i love gift wrap too :)
i have so many different kinds of tags in my head 
that are just trying to get outta there and into real life!

just listed in the shop

much loves ...

Monday, September 10, 2012

a shabby vintage kitchen ... ♥

grab a cup of tea ... this post is picture heavy :)
besides my craft room this is where i spend most of my time...
my kitchen♥

this picture was taken when we moved in:

here it is now!
i'm so glad you're here! come on in :)

hubs built these corner shelves 
in what would have been a wasted space
they house a lot of my vintage dishes & some serving pieces

Goodwill find last year ... i love these canisters 
the knobs were already painted that pretty green

i like the idea of things stored in wire baskets ... i'm on the lookout for more

the pot rack was from Hobby Lobby
i still have a few pans from my set to accquire
computer desk on the back window is where i connect with all of you ♥

a perpetual calendar & some old cook books

i wish i had a before picture of this lazy susan :)
but here it is now, all nice and pretty

this is the view walking through from the other side, which is my craft space

this is my favorite part of the kitchen
the open cabinets ... we decided to leave them open at the last minute
i'm so glad we did!
even though i would like to take the middle bars out of each section
 ... still have to convince the hubs :)

the tea cups are hung from a stainless steel curtain rod

 more wire baskets ... for more service and some pot holders

an old cheese box with sugars, salt & peppers

my grandma's china ♥

hubby & his dad put a new sink in when they tiled the counters
i spend a lot of time in front of it ... what mom doesn't right?
the little ledge near the windowsill holds herbs, 
to do lists & bible passages i'm trying to remember or reflect on
(or flowers the hubs brings me on occasion :)
i wrote about that little ledge here

this is another small curtain rod, hung on the side of the sink area
keeps kitchen towels out of the way (most of the time :)

this is our command central
in & out papers, lunchboxes, and everyday life happens here

the "masterpieces" strip was made from yardsticks & clothespins
two of my favorite things ♥
my menu board is an old frame wrapped in vintage sheets
it's a free printable from here

the baskets are for recycling ~ shredding ~ reading ~ keeping
i used the same label frames i used in my craft space here

a tiny peek into my living room ...

thanks for comin' along on my little house tour ♥
hope you enjoyed!
if you want to see more of my house go here & here

much love & gladness in my ♥ !

sweet party link up here ♥

get schooled Saturday ♥ too much time on my hands
Sundae Scoop ♥ i {heart} naptime
air your laundry friday ♥ freckled laundry
Frugal Friday ♥ the Shabby Nest
Doin' it Yourself ♥ aka design
Link up with Me ♥ Liz Marie Blog
Junkin Joe ♥ The Cottage Market
Tip Me Tuesday ♥ Tip Junkie
live laugh {linky} thursday ♥ live laugh Rowe
Party Time! ♥ the 36th Avenue
DIY Project Parade ♥ DIY Showoff
A Crafty Soiree ♥ Yesterday on Tuesday
weekend wrapup party ♥ Tatertots & Jello
Saturday Night Special ♥ Funky Junk Interiors

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